Study stack nic
Study stack nic

+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:), ViError Error was : Netstack instance 'vmotion' is already found in InnerText: Unable to add Netstack Instance. Error was : Netstack instance 'vmotion' is already found in kernel Message: Unable to add Netstack Instance. Since I don't fully understand these objects, I'm sure I've put things in the wrong places. I played around with it a little but get more errors. ipV6Config = New-Object 6AddressConfiguration distributedVirtualPort = $distributedVirtualPort New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $line.Host -VirtualSwitch $line.dvSwitch -PortGroup $line.FTPG -IP $line.FTIP -SubnetMask $line.FTMask -Mtu 9000 -FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled:$true -Confirm:$false | Out-Null Write-Host "Creating FT VMKernel Port for" $line.Host"." New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $line.Host -VirtualSwitch $line.dvSwitch -PortGroup $line.NFSPG -IP $line.NFSIP -SubnetMask $line.NFSMask -Mtu 9000 -Confirm:$false | Out-Null Write-Host "Creating NFS VMKernel Port for" $line.Host"." $vmk = New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $line.Host -VirtualSwitch $line.dvSwitch -PortGroup $line.vMoPG -IP $line.vMoIP -SubnetMask $line.vMoMask -Mtu 9000 -VMotionEnabled:$true -Confirm:$false | Out-Null Write-Host "Creating vMotion VMKernel Port for" $($line.Host)"." Below is the snippet and vpxd log output. Basically I'm having issues setting the TCP/IP stack for the vmotion vmk port in a script I have to setup the vmk ports.

study stack nic study stack nic

I wanted to start a separate thread since an old thread I had about this was two questions and marked as answered already.

Study stack nic